Data for: On the key role of the surface of palygorskite nanofibers in the stabilization of hexagonal metastable -Ag2CO3 phase in palygorskite-based nanocomposites

Published: 8 March 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/6cwzvc32sx.1
Benaïssa Rhouta,


This study aims at to synthesize new photocatalysts based on Ag2CO3 supported on natural clays, namely palygorskite and to study their photocatalytic properties principally under visible light. The main applications of these nanocomposite materials concern the treatment of contaminated effluents as wastewater and confined air. This study shows the key effect of palygorskite along with synthesis conditions (digestion time, ageing under CO2) on the stabilisation of metastable hexagonal beta Ag2CO3 at the expense of stable monoclinic phase of Ag2CO3.



Clays Catalyst
