Programmable Pulsatile Centrifugal Pump for Vascular Flow Simulation

Published: 10 July 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/6dscgdg2b5.1
Alexander Vezeridis,


The primary objective of this research was to design, implement, and validate a programmable open-source pulsatile flow system to cost-effectively simulate vascular flows. We employed an Arduino-compatible microcontroller combined with a motor driver to control a centrifugal direct current (DC) motor pump. The system was programmed to produce pulsatile flows with an arterial pulse waveform. Validation with Doppler ultrasound and flow measurements confirmed that our Arduino-based system successfully replicated arterial vascular flow. The materials are easily accessible, with a total bill of materials as low as $99. This open-source programmable pulsatile pump platform offers superior cost-effectiveness and adaptability relative to commercial offerings.



Stanford University School of Medicine


Computer Program, Laser Cutting


National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences
