Sources of Sediments Received by the East Subbasin Abyssal Plain of the South China Sea Since ~15 Ma, Based on IODP Deep Ocean Drilling Results: An Assessment of Tectonic versus Climatic Drivers

Published: 24 October 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/6dyj7nfyhw.1
Yi Yan


Yan et al., Sources of Sediments Received by the East Subbasin Abyssal Plain of the South China Sea Since ~15 Ma, Based on IODP Deep Ocean Drilling Results: An Assessment of Tectonic versus Climatic Drivers Supplementary Data (DR) Files: Supplementary DR Table 1: Information on analysed samples from IODP Site U1431. Supplementary DR Table 2: Analytical results of trace element analyses of the samples from IODP Site U1431. Supplementary DR Table 3: Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of the samples from IODP Site U1431. Supplementary DR Table 4: Detrital zircon U–Pb geochronology of the samples from IODP Site U1431. Supplementary DR Table 5: Compiled Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of potential source areas. Supplementary DR Table 6: Compiled detrital zircon U–Pb geochronology of potential source areas.



