A Review on the Information System, and Development of Appointment Management System

Published: 9 April 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/6fvcfngsjg.2


Our life involves information systems almost everywhere and everything. Information systems are formal and organized systems with a set of components involved in the collection, processing, storage and distribution of information. A computer information system is a combination of user and computer to process or interpret information. In this paper, we try to review the overall information system and its evolution. We focus on the evolution of the Roman abacus’ information system as early as 2400 BC to modern technologies in the present world. We discuss the basic components and development stage of information systems and several types of information systems used for several purposes in our daily lives. Finally, we develop an Appointment Management System (AMS) to provide patients or any customer an easy way of booking a doctor’s appointment online. The information system is implemented using PHP, MySQL, JQuery, JavaScript, standard HTML and CSS, and the system will work on internet web browsers. We use three user modules for this system; those are - (1) Patient Module, (2) Doctor Module, and (3) Admin Module. The database mainly designs for some specific access such as additional information, modifying information, delete information, and search information.


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Title: A Review on the Information System, and Development of Appointment Management System, Journal of Software Engineering & Software Testing, ISSN: 2457-0516, Vol 6, No 1, 2021, Journal link: http://mantechpublications.com/admin/index.php/JoSEST/issue/view/2981


Research Article
