Dataset of Forest Area and Carbon Stocks in Southeast Asia 2000-2030
This dataset contains areas of natural and plantation forests, carbon stocks, carbon emissions, emission reductions, and removals in Southeast Asia between 2000 and 2030. It is available in excel format suitable educational, capacity building, and training purposes. Natural forests contain production forest and protection forest, while plantation forests contain fast-growing and slow-growing plantation forests. Data of carbon stocks, timber production, carbon loss or gains, emission reductions, and carbon revenues are available year by year from 2000 and 2030. Data on annual timber production, carbon stocks and carbon removals affected by two clear-cut systems in plantation forests are useful for understanding the roles of management of plantation forests for timber and carbon purposes. Carbon emission reductions due to the implementation of the REDD+ activities could be used to analyse the effects of REDD+ activities on carbon emission reductions and removals in natural and plantation forests in Southeast Asia. Value of the Data • The REDD+ scheme of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change requires that carbon emissions, emission reductions or removals from deforestation and forest degradation, through conservation of forests, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks be monitored, measured, reported, and verified. These data are important for these purposes for policy makers as well as scientific communities and college students. • Students, researchers, policy makers, NGOs, media outlets will find these data useful in many ways depending on their interests. • These data might be used for understanding the current carbon stocks in the standing forests in Southeast Asia, carbon emissions due to deforestation and logging, potential carbon emission reductions when the REDD+ activities are implemented, and to test the effects of different carbon prices on carbon revenues from reducing deforestation and forest degradation, and from planting the new trees on a regional scale. Paper describing the detailed methodologies can be found at
Steps to reproduce
Data can be generated using the models described in Sasaki et al. (2021) here Coverage Area: The coverage area of this dataset includes all countries in Southeast Asia, namely Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Viet Nam. Total area of forests was 207,477,200 ha in 2020 or about 46.1% of the total land area in Southeast Asia (FAO, 2020). This region has a total population of 655.3 million, total GDP of US$9.7 trillion and a GDP per capital was US$5,017. Timeframe: Timeframe of the data is available every year between 2000 and 2030, making it possible to understand the changes in area of natural and plantation forests, and the related carbon emissions, emission reductions or removals, and carbon revenues due to the implementation of the climate change mitigation activities. Data Sources: Every five years, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) publishes a comprehensive report on forest resources globally. The report is known as Forest Resources Assessment or FRA. The latest report was published in 2020 with the major aim at examining the status and trends of forest resources in 236 countries and territories in the period 1990–2020. More than 700 people were directly involved in this process (FAO, 2020). For assessing the forest area changes, carbon stocks and changes, and carbon emissions, only data of forest areas and forest carbon stocks by countries in Southeast Asia were collected. Data on forest areas of natural and plantation forests were available in 2000, 2010, 2015, and 2020.