PFIbox Protocol Datasets

Published: 9 January 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/6hjcdr3td3.1
Shawn French


Data accompanying the Nature Protocols manuscript entitled "A comprehensive guide to dynamic analysis of microbial gene expression using the 3D-printed PFIbox and a fluorescent reporter library". This dataset contains gene expression data from E. coli grown in MOPS-glucose medium over 24 hours, sampling at 5 minute intervals. This also contains the data for Figure 3, 9, and 10 for this manuscript: Figure 3 is cumulative gene expression in MOPS-glucose after 24 hours of growth; Figure 9 are clusters of co-expression after using fuzzy c-means clustering to look at gene expression profiles; Figure 10 is the fold change between MOPS-glucose and lysogeny broth (LB) media, which is provided as promoter, -log10 of P-value, and log2 of fold-change (n=3).


Steps to reproduce

All steps to reproduce this data can be found in the accompanying Nature Protocols manuscript "A comprehensive guide to dynamic analysis of microbial gene expression using the 3D-printed PFIbox and a fluorescent reporter library"


McMaster University


Systems Biology, Gene Expression, Escherichia coli
