Data recorded/collated for Evaluation of changes in some physico-chemical properties of bottled water exposed to sunlight in Bauchi State, Nigeria

Published: 8 February 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/6j9m3sgc3x.1
Fwangmun Wamyil,


This data is from the study (Evaluation of changes in some physico-chemical properties of bottled water exposed to sunlight in Bauchi State, Nigeria) which shows levels of pH, Bisphenol A (ppb or µg/L), Nitrate (mg/L), Antimony (ppb or µg/L), Temperature (degrees Centigrade) and number of days before sampling. The dataset is provided as .csv. The dataset was analysed in R and charts/figures were generated from there.


Steps to reproduce

Details of analytical methods used in measuring parameters are provided in the publication: Daffi, R. E. and Wamyil, F. B.: Evaluation of changes in some physico-chemical properties of bottled water exposed to sunlight in Bauchi State, Nigeria.


Kampala International University - Western Campus, University of Jos


Antimony, Water Quality, Bisphenol A, Polyethylene Terephthalate, Nitrate, Drinking Water Quality
