A Dataset of EEG Signals from Adults with ADHD and Healthy Controls: Resting State, Cognitive function, and Sound Listening Paradigm

Published: 3 April 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/6k4g25fhzg.1


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that impacts a large number of people around the world and is characterized as a neurodevelopmental disorder. It can affect individuals of all ages, but it typically begins during childhood and can persist into adulthood. One of the diagnostic criteria of ADHD is abnormal electrical activity in the brain, as measured by Electroencephalography (EEG), particularly in frontal and central regions. We present a dataset that we collected from 79 participants, including 42 healthy adults and 37 adults with ADHD (age 20-68 years; male/female: 56/23). The EEG signals were recorded in four different states, including resting state with eyes open, eyes closed, cognitive challenge, and listening to omni harmonic. The dataset contains EEG signals recorded from five channels, including O1, F3, F4, Cz, and Fz. The sampling rate of data is 256 Hz. The participants were seated comfortably in a chair and asked to remain as calm as possible during the recordings. All participants provided informed consent, and the study protocol was approved by the ethics committee. This dataset can serve as a valuable resource for researchers working on ADHD and EEG.


Steps to reproduce

1- The data is a .mat file type 2- There are 4 files in .mat format, the first file called FC is related to the data of women in the control group, which contains a 1 x 11 cell, which in cells 1 to 11 is related to tasks, and inside each cell is the number of people, and there are samples of signal and EEG channel. The second file named MC is related to the data of men in the control group. The third file named FADHD is related to the data of women in the ADHD group. And the fourth file named MADHD is related to the data of men in the ADHD group. For example, each cell is as follows: 13*7680*2 13 is the number of subjects, for example, 7680 is the number of signal samples in 30 seconds, and 2 is the number of channels. Note: the EEG signal of subject number 7 of the group of women with ADHD is corrupted. cell 1: Eyes open baseline, channels: Cz, F4, duration: 30s cell 2: Eyes closed, channels: Cz, F4, duration : 20s cell 3: Eyes open, channels: Cz, F4, duration: 20s cell 4: Cognitive Challenge, channels: Cz, F4, duration: 45s cell 5: Pre-Omni harmonic baseline, channels: Cz, F4, duration: 15s cell 6: Omni harmonic assessment, channels: Cz, F4, duration: 30s cell 7: Eyes open baseline, channels: O1,F4, duration: 30s cell 8: Eyes closed, channels: O1,F4, duration: 30s cell 9: Eyes open, channels: O1,F4, duration: 30s cell 10: Eyes closed, channels: F3, F4, duration: 45s cell 11: Eyes closed, channels: Fz, F4, duration: 45s


Imam Reza University


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Electroencephalography, Cognitive Function, Biomedical Signal Processing
