Data for: Do semantic priming and retrieval of stimulus-response associations depend on conscious perception?
Published: 31 January 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/6k6v9f7nx7.1
Dominique Lamy, Maayan AvneonDescription
Most labels are self-explanatory. Here is a description of the more obscure ones: - TargetRange: Possible target were 2 4 6 or 8, Therefore, "in" denotes novel primes inside the target range (3 and 7) and "out" denotes novel primes outside the target range (1 and 9). - Repetition: denotes whether or not on a given trial the prime was identical (in value and format) to the target (1 and 0, respectively) - Type_compatible: denotes whether or not the prime and target are in the same format (1 and 0, respectively): digit or word. - Compatible: denotes whether not the prime and target values are associated with the same response (1 and 0, respectively) - Respac = response accuracy (1= correct, 0 = incorrect) - Resprt = response times
Cognitive Psychology