Mechanisms of oxygen conductivity in perovskite: peroxo group as competitor to oxygen vacancy
Published: 11 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/6kjyv77g2m.1
Nikita AfimchenkoDescription
This data file contains cif of strontium ferrite for: bulk ideal Sr8Fe8O24 bulk vacancy Sr8Fe8O23 bulk peroxogroup Sr8Fe8O22(O-O) bulk peroxogroup associating bulk vacancy migration bulk peroxo migration slab ideal slab peroxogroup slab peroxogroup associating slab vacancy and oxygen gas
Steps to reproduce
This structures were obtained with VASP package (version 5.4.4)
Institut himii tverdogo tela i mehanohimii SO RAN
Solid-State Chemistry, Density Functional Theory, Perovskite, Quantum Chemistry