Parliamentary Oversight of European Monetary Policy and Banking Supervision
This dataset accompanies the article 'Police Patrols, Fire Alarms, or Ambulance Chasers? Parliamentary Oversight of European Monetary Policy and Banking Supervision', published in West European Politics (2024). The dataset includes all parliamentary questions addressed by Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) orally to the European Central Bank during the Monetary and the Banking Dialogues during 2014-2021. Questions are coded individually, meaning that an MEP can ask multiple questions per speech. Each question was manually coded to capture the type of question (according to the article's conceptualization), the topic, the year in which it was posed, as well as MEPs' nationality and political affiliation. For more information, please see the published article. The dataset includes a total of 976 individual questions for the Monetary Dialogue, retrieved from a dataset compiled by Massoc (2022), and 528 individual questions for the Banking Dialogue, retrieved from Akbik (2022; Maricut‐Akbik 2020). References Akbik, Adina (2022). ‘SSM Accountability: Lessons Learned for the Monetary Dialogues’, , European Parliament Economic Governance Support Unit (EGOV) (Accessed July 25, 2022). Maricut‐Akbik, Adina (2020). ‘Contesting the European Central Bank in Banking Supervision: Accountability in Practice at the European Parliament’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 58:5, 1199–1214. Massoc, Elsa (2022b). ‘How MEPs hold the ECB accountable’, Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) (Accessed December 4, 2023).