DSAIL-Porini: Annotated camera trap images of wildlife species from a conservancy in Kenya
Published: 18 March 2022| Version 6 | DOI: 10.17632/6mhrhn7rxc.6
Lorna Mugambi, , Jason Kabi, Ciira MainaDescription
This dataset has camera trap images of wildlife species from a conservancy in Kenya and their annotation. They are based on the Raspberry Pi 2, Raspberry Pi Zero and the OpenMV Cam H7 devices. The camera traps were deployed in the conservancy from June 2021 to December 2021. We have 6 categories of grazing mammals in this dataset; Burchell's zebra, Defassa waterbuck, bushbuck, Common warthog, impala and the Syke's monkey.
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
Ecology, Annotation, Environmental Scanning, Conservation Ecology, Wildlife