"Innoforest" EU Forest ecosystem services maps
The dataset contains raster maps (TIFF) at 1-km resolution of forest ecosystem services in the European Union. The following ecosystem services are included: - Wood (indicator: growing stock volume) - Water supply (indicator: water yield) - Erosion control (indicator: avoided soil erosion) - Pollination (indicator: relative pollination potential) - Habitat provision (indicator: relative bird species richness) - Soil formation (indicator: soil organic carbon) - Climate regulation (indicator: carbon storage) - Recreation (indicator: recreation opportunity). The maps were compiled by direct extraction of relevant information from existing raster datasets generated in previous mapping exercises (mostly, those produced by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre) and by modelling using land use/land cover, forest, soil, elevation and climatic data was also performed to generate new maps (e.g. water supply) or adapt existing oness to the scope of the study (e.g. recreation). Basic raster operations, such as resampling, were performed on some of the existing raster datasets to make them comply with the selected resolution. The detailed methods followed to generate the dataset, as well as the interpretations of the results, are presented in the following Open Access paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264837719313547?via%3Dihub The research leading to these data has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 under the Grant Agreement number 763899, InnoForESt project, within the Innovation Action
Steps to reproduce
See referenced paper