Coupled Dynamical Systems Model of Non-human Primate's Kinematic and Neuronal Recordings
This data was collected from a behavioral task where two male rhesus non-human primates (Macaca mulatta, monkey X and monkey Y) were trained to sit in a primate chair and visually-cued to reach towards, grasp, and manipulate one of four objects, i.e., a sphere (sphere), a perpendicularly mounted cylinder (mallet), a push-button (button), or a peripheral coaxial cylinder (cylinder). All studies were approved by the University of Rochester Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. This experiment was designed by Marc H. Schieber and collected by Adam G. Davidson, Andrew J. Law, and Marc. H. Schieber. M. Mollazadeh, V. Aggarwal, A. G. Davidson, A. J. Law, N. V. Thakor, and M. H. Schieber, "Spatiotemporal variation of multiple neurophysiological signals in the primary motor cortex during dexterous reach-to-grasp movements," J Neurosci, vol. 31, pp. 15531-15543, October 2011. DOI: The code and analysis contained in this repository creates a coupled dynamical systems model (cDSM) based on populations of pre-motor and primary motor cortices. The cDSM is then used to evaluate drivers of the cortical system. This evaluation includes determining the dominate drivers of the system and comparing the similarity of drivers to the similarity of behaviors across multiple subjects. In MATLAB, \functions\cDSM_mainresults.m is the main script. This analysis and all saved data and result images are associated with the manuscript: R. D'Aleo, A. G. Rouse, M. H. Schieber, and S. V. Sarma, "Cortico-cortical drive in a coupled premotor-primary motor cortex dynamical system," Cell Reports.