awareness of aerobic exercise among collage going student
To determine the factors influencing young people's participation in aerobic activities and to gauge their awareness regarding of the benefits of aerobic exercise. This goal is to conduct a survey to determine youths' awareness and comprehension of aerobic activity Young population age 18-25 years Method:Young population’ awareness of aerobic exercise was gauged using a 12-item self -administerd questionnaire with item content validity Results:Out of 290 questionnaires circulated, only 283 people with a response rate of 99.0% voluntarily agreed to take part in this research and provide their responses to the questions asked in the survey Conclusion.Studyindicate a growing awareness of aerobic exercise among the young population. This awareness is driven by various factor, including educational, social media and online resources has made it easier for young individuals to engage in aerobic exercise at their convenience. And barrier to access, lack of motivation and competing interests. aerobic exercise among the young population concerted effort are needed to ensure that this awareness translate into sustained participation and positive life style change Implications:Implement targeted educational campaigns in school, colleges, and online platforms to raise awareness about the benefit of aerobic exercise .More outcome measure can be included in this study Awareness , aerobic exercise .