Levels of macronutrients, micronutrients, phytonutrients and bioactive compounds in brown rice and germinated brown rice (Oryza sativa L.), extracted from world-wide publications

Published: 20 June 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/6ngk545s3k.2
, Piebiep Goufo


A Scopus and Google Scholar literature search was carried out to compile peer-reviewed publications describing the response of brown rice to germination, using the methodological framework PRISMA 2020 (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses; Table S12). The literature search focused on publications having in the title the following words: rice (s), oryza, germination brown, germinated, sprout, sprouted. Thousands of articles were retrieved using these keywords. For inclusion into this dataset, an article had to (i) report the effect of germination on at least one rice chemical (called parameters in this dataset), (ii) describe the methods used for identification and quantification of the chemical, (iii) report control values for brown rice and (iv) describe the germination conditions and rice cultivars used. These criteria meant that review papers, books, dissertations, theses, conference abstracts, and editorials were avoided. In total, 133 articles (Table S0) were found with suitable numerical data (tabular or graphical) for 164 parameters (Table S10) grouped into classes of compounds, i.e., GABA and polyamines (Table S1), γ-Oryzanol and phytosterols (Table S2), phenolic compounds (Table S3), vitamins (Table S4), proteins and amino acids (Table S5), starchy carbohydrates (Table S6), sugars (Table S7), lipids (Table S8), minerals and phytic acid (Table S9). The sums for compounds belonging to the same class (e.g., total amino acids) were not calculated, but were taken directly from the publications. Non-detected compounds or enzymes with no activities were given the value zero. For each parameter, each selected article reports a mean control/baseline value for brown rice, and one or several mean values corresponding to different germination scenarios, including the soaking phase and post-germination elicitation treatments (Table S11).



Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro, USDA-ARS Southern Regional Research Center


Micronutrient, Antioxidant, Phenolic Compound, Bioactive Compound, Phytonutrients, Macronutrient, Asian Rice, African Rice
