Financial Inclusion In Latin America (2011-2017)
Published: 16 November 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/6nk96bcpwm.1
Juan CampuzanoDescription
The data come from World Bank Findex database, at country and individual level from 2011-2017. We use data estimate the factors associated with financial inclusion in Latin America considering new information available with a special focus on the role of women. Results show that, in general, Latin American countries have progressed in the last nine years in their efforts to achieve financial inclusion. However, considering each country, they are like those found in other regions, reinforcing the idea that policies that favor financial inclusion should target certain groups such as women and youth.
Steps to reproduce
Download databases. Run R code for cluster analysis at country level and run Stata code for analysis at indivual level.
Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral Campus Prosperina
Financial Econometrics, Financial Analysis, Inclusion