Remote teaching is a new paradigm of education
The most significant educational challenge of the recent period was a sudden transition to distance education. Even though representatives of modern education adapting their activities to the needs of students, involved various forms of information transmission into the teaching-learning process (like WEB 2; blended learning; LMS) because of their aim to increase students' learning motivations and creativity. Due to the emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, these solutions had to became more popular in education than they were a couple of years ago. The lessons held in the online space reshaped the usual teaching characteristics with the loss of personality. The learning environment, study requirements, lesson forms, student attitudes and, the assessment of learning outcomes have been changed suddenly. This research is a qualitative content analysis among 23 international studies with the help of two text analyser software (Leximancer & Atlas.ti). The research process included four stages from creating a code system to context analysis. The code system is based on Leximancer’s data. As a result of this investigation, we got 17 codes. Then we examined, how the given word code is followed by the others and what is the probability that they occur together in the text bodies. In order to run the codes on the Atlas.ti software, we had to find synonyms firstly. By the end of the coding process, we got nearly 15 000 quotations for analysis. The correlation analysis shows a rather tangled picture therefore it was necessary to create a system based on the frequency of co-occurrences.