An alternative ephemeris of comet 2P/Encke which explains the Taurid Meteoroid Complex
In a recent paper*, we examined the influence of alternative ephemerides for comet 2P/Encke on the formation of the Taurid Meteoroid Complex (TMC). Among the 114 stream formation scenarios explored, we found a specific orbital history of the comet which explains the main features of the major Taurid meteor showers (NTA & STA, BTA & ZPE). The agreement between our simulations and the general TMC characteristics indicates that this particular orbital evolution is likely the closest available "history" of the recent dynamical evolution of 2P/Encke. This specific ephemeris of 2P/Encke, labelled "A4", is provided here to help understanding the dynamical evolution of this particular comet. * "A Proposed Alternative Dynamical History for 2P/Encke which Explains the Taurid Meteoroid Complex", A. Egal, P. Wiegert & P. G. Brown, MNRAS