The Impact of Board Games on the Financial Literacy of Brazilian Public-School Students

Published: 22 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/6snc9pt7bc.1
Rômulo Rômulo César Reisdorfer da Silva


The following data was collected to assess the impact of the use of board games on the learning of financial literacy among public school students in Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil. The procedures carried out were: 1 - Research authorization by the ethics committee under the CAAE Number 67713723.3.0000.5346 2 - Donation of board games with a financial education theme to public schools in the 8th Regional Education Coordination of Rio Grande do Sul. 3 - Training teachers from these schools to conduct lessons using these board games. 4 - Application of a survey to students from public schools in the 8th Regional Education Coordination of Rio Grande do Sul. The questionnaire was answered by students who had been taught with the use of these games (treatment group) and students who had not been taught with the use of these games (control group). 5 - Data tabulation using Stata software 6 - Application of the propensity score matching method to assess the impact of classes with board games on students' level of financial literacy. Note: The variables names and descriptions in the database are in Portuguese.



Universidade Federal de Santa Maria


Education, Financialization


Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
