Fluid Interaction Study: Hydrodynamic Robot (FISHR) -Expansion of Bioinspired Soft Robotic Fish

Published: 19 October 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/6sxcdvzn4d.1
Kioumars Rezaie


We introduce an enhanced iteration of OpenFish, an open-source soft robotic fish previously developed. The original model, developed at Delft of Technology, successfully emulated thunniform swimming through a unique propulsion system utilizing both active and passive tail segments. This design aimed to optimize speed and efficiency while fostering future advancements in soft robotic fish research. To further enhance OpenFish, we undertook a redesign process, making modifications to the fish hull and internal components. These changes aimed to simplify construction, address waterproofing issues, and facilitate the development of an autonomous version of the fish. Our work encompasses an updated description of the construction process, customization options, and detailed insights into hardware implementation, including waterproofing techniques for the soft robotic fish.


Steps to reproduce

Pending acceptance, refere to HardwareX: Fluid Interaction Study: Hydrodynamic Robot (FISHR) -Expansion of Bioinspired Soft Robotic Fish for the detailed steps to reproduce the FISHR model.


Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, Ocean Engineering, Biomimetics
