Data for: Effect of crystallographic texture and microstructure on pitting corrosion behavior of low carbon steels: A Monte Carlo model
The present work shows a mathematical model capable of describing the influence of the crystallographic texture and microstructure on the initial stage of pitting corrosion in API 5L steels. The proposed model includes several physical parameters of the material such as the crystallographic orientation, gran size, grain boundary and their distribution, number of inclusions and their distribution, surface energy and the Gibbs free energy change associated with the anodic dissolution mechanisms of the metal in corrosive medium. The microstructure was constructed using Voronoi tessellation associated with the crystallographic grain orientations. The relationship between the surface roughness, surface energy, and the crystallographic texture was described through the symmetric spherical surface harmonic functions. Through Monte Carlo simulations, the number of corrosion pits and their distribution associated with the initiation of pitting corrosion were determined. The results showed that the initiation of these pits depends strongly on the change of surface energy (as a function of crystallographic grains orientation determined by the relation with the surface roughness of the material) due to the formation of new phases and the character of grain boundary and its distribution. The behaviour of pits nucleated due to these events is completely random, while the subsequent growth of these from a nucleated site has a strong influence from the crystallographic grains orientation. The simulation results were in good agreement with those observed by experiments and verified the validity of the proposed model.