Data for: Paleostress and statistical analysis using quartz veins from mineralized and non-mineralized zones: application for exploration targeting
Four Supplementary data files have been uploaded and are referred to in the text. Detailed captions have been included in each individual supplementary data pdf. Brief description of the content of each supplementary data file is provided below: Supplementary data-1 is a table giving coefficient of determination for different statistical distributions of vein thickness for different transects. Supplementary data-2: Thickness vs. corrected cumulative number of veins per unit length graphs for each transect in the mineralized and non-mineralized zones of the Gadag region (Southern India). Supplementary data-3: Thickness vs. probability density function of vein distribution for each transect in mineralized and non-mineralized zone. Supplementary data-4: Lower hemisphere equal area projections of poles to vein orientations for each outcrop in the mineralized and non-mineralized zone of the study area.