Béjard et al., 2023. Supplementary data. Biogeographical and seasonal distribution of pteropod populations in the Western and Central Mediterranean Sea inferred from sediment traps

Published: 29 November 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/6tggt4sbff.1
Thibauld Bejard


This is the Supplementary data for Béjard et al., 2023. The excel sheet contains the pteropod taxonomy details for the Planier and C01 sediment traps located in the Gulf of Lions and the Sicily Strait, respectively. In addition, it also contains the fluxes calculations, the seasonal distribution and the environmental data used for correlations.



Ecology, Oceanography, Paleontology, Micropaleontology, Calcification, Zooplankton, Zooplankton Ecology
