Dataset on diagnostic errors of Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) diseases
This data assessed the diagnosis outcomes that were made by the patient’s non-ENT clinicians at the referral health facilities and those that were made by ENT specialists at the hospital patients were referred to. The ENT specialist's diagnoses were made after further investigation and this diagnosis was the definitive or final diagnosis. Furthermore, where there was an agreement between the diagnosis made by the non-ENT clinicians and the ENT specialists, it was referred to as a ‘match’ and differences in diagnosis were classified as a 'mismatch'.
Steps to reproduce
For data abstraction and collection were done using a standardized data collection tool. Patient’s demographic and clinical characteristics, including the patient’s date of the hospital visit, age, sex, town, and the province of residence and that referred from, referring facility and its level of care, referral diagnosis, the reason for referral, ENT specialist diagnosis and whether the patient was the first attendant, had new pathology or was for review.