Evaluation of interactive, browser-based graphics for veterinary education

Published: 2 April 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/6th5cts43p.1
Klaus Jung


Evaluation study among students of interactive, browser-based graphics for three courses (animal nutrition, food sciences, zoology) in veterinary education. Three tables in one xlsx-file. Evaluation study was performed by questionnaires. Students were asked to rate on an ordinal scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) following statements • B1: I can imagine that the majority of students will handle easily interactive graphics. • B2: I´d wish to have more interactive graphics in veterinary school. • B3: I can image using this tool because it ́s intuitive. • C4: I was previously familiar with the taught content. • C5: I understood the teaching contents taught by the interactive graphic. • C6: The interactivity of the graphic had a positive impact on my interest about the taught content. • C7: The interactive graphic had no benefit to the course. • D9: Digitalization is a chance to improve academic education. Additionally, students were asked to provide information if and which other digital media they have been using for learning so far (D8).



Statistics for Veterinary Science
