#elvallenosetoca 2018.06.27 - 2018.07.03
Dataset that collects tweets between June 27th and July 3rd in 2018 with Twarc. Twarc is a tool by Documenting the Now: http://www.docnow.io/#tools At the end of June in 2018, the Spanish government announced the intention to exhume the mortal remains of Franco: El Gobierno prepara la salida de Franco del Valle de los Caídos | España | EL PAÍS https://politica.elpais.com/politica/2018/06/16/actualidad/1529162410_486351.html Franquismo: El Gobierno reactivará la exhumación de Franco y la conversión del Valle de los Caídos https://www.elconfidencial.com/espana/2018-06-17/gobierno-reactivara-exhumacion-francisco-franco-conversion-valle_1580167/ The Francoist activism then began a campaign to reclaim the Valley of the Fallen with the hashtag #elvallenosetoca: #ElValleNoSeToca: una historia de dictadores muertos, protestas y burlas https://www.elespanol.com/social/20180702/elvallenosetoca-historia-dictadores-muertos-protestas-burlas/319468605_0.html Hashtags: #elvallenosetoca Dates: 2018.06.27-2018.07.03 Number of Tweets: 69,653 Size (Hydrated): 428 megabytes