Fallout radionuclides in cryoconite and proglacial sediments

Published: 23 June 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/6v7pghpw34.2
Caroline Clason


These data describe fallout radionuclide (FRN) activity concentrations for glacial sites around the global cryosphere, including 137Cs, 241Am, and excess 210Pb. Mean, maximum, and minimum FRN activity concentrations are provided for cryoconite at each glacier site, and minimum and maximum FRN activity concentrations are provided for proglacial sediment samples at sites where this data is available. Loss-on-ignition and FRN data are also provided for a selection of individual cryoconite samples. FRN activity concentrations (all in Bq kg-1) are based on gamma and alpha spectrometry, and the methodological approach is described in detail in Clason et al. (2023, Science of the Total Environment) in addition to original data sources where applicable.


Steps to reproduce

Sample collection, preparation and analytical methods are provided in Clason et al. (in prep.) in addition to original data sources where applicable.


Durham University


Geochemistry, Ice Sheet, Organic Matter, Glacier, Radionuclide, Contaminant Chemistry
