Variation in Growth, Total Phenolics, and Essential Oil Composition of Rosmarinus officinalis L. under Aquaculture and Biofloc Wastewater Irrigation Treatments in Greenhouse Cultivation
The project aimed to investigate the growth variation, essential oil yield and composition of rosemary irrigated with aquaculture and Biofloc wastewater in comparison to fertigation under greenhouse conditions at two cuts. Data on plant growth parameters such as heights, number of side branches, fresh and dry yield was collected. Likewise, data on the nutrient composition of shoots, total phenolics, essential oil yield and composition was collected. T1, T2, and T3 represent irrigation treatments of fertigation, Biofloc wastewater, and aquaculture wastewater respectively
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Plant heights were measured from the soil surface to the plant apex, side branches were obtained by counting, fresh weights were obtained by weighing the aerial plant parts on a laboratory weighing balance. Dry weights were obtained by drying the plants at 70 degrees Celsius and weighing them. Total phenolics were extracted using 100 ml of 80% methanol and quantified using Folin–Ciocalteu reagent. Macroelements were measured using ICP-MS whereas the essential oils were extracted using steam distillation Clevenger apparatus. GC-MS was used to identify the essential oil constituents