Chronic toxicity of barium and sodium chloride to the water flea Ceriodaphnia dubia: Implications for unconventional gas flowback-produced waters - for PhD Dissertation

Published: 19 February 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/6wrk4wwyd4.1
Daniel Willems


Within the attached is supplementary tables and figures that accompany the data/information found within Chapter 3 of my PhD disseration. This research as of Feb 2024 when compiling my dissertation is currently under review in a scientific journal in the hopes of being a fully published scientific research article in due course. So at this time supplementary files cannot be found alongside a published version and are attached here. In the future when hopefully published, please resort to the published version of supplementary data in case any changes are made to data and its presentation from this copy of files. The article should eventually be findable by using its title or under my google scholar profile (Daniel J Willems) Thanks Daniel.



CSIRO Adelaide, RMIT University


Invertebrate, Chloride, Sodium, Barium, Ecotoxicity, Freshwater
