Well-being and body symptoms before and after experimental psychotherapeutic session using process-oriented approach

Published: 24 February 2019| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/6x4zhhdscz.2
Tomáš Dominik,


Present dataset was used in research on process-oriented approach to working with body symptoms within our recent study (will be referenced upon publication). The dataset represents individual patients in each row. Basic demographics are present: - group (clinical, experimental) - population (non-clinical, inpatient, outpatient) - diagnostical group (anxiety, depression, anxious-depressive, affective disorders/bipolar disorder) - gender (female, male) - education level (elementary, secondary vocational school, high school, higher vocational school, university) - vocational category (student, employed, self-employed, unemployed, disability pension, retired, maternity leave) - marital state (unmarried, in relationship, married, divorced, widowed) For demographics labels used in the dataset, see the spreadsheet called "Codes" within the file. Participants were randomly assigned into experimental and control group. The difference between the two groups was that the experimental group received a therapeutic session based on process-oriented approach within the study period, while the control group received a treatment as usual. However, to provide equal treatment to both groups and not decline the control group the potentially beneficial process-oriented therapy, we provided a supplementary session to the control group one week after the experimental group. While doing so, we also administered some relevant questionnaires to the control group after the supplementary session. Therefore, some variables are treated as equivalent, regardless of the group they were obtained from (for example the WAI and SRS results, which are ex post facto session evaluations). For a synoptic overview of which data were collected and in which phases, see the spreadsheet called "Measurement denotations" within the data file. The dataset creation was supported by Palacký University Olomouc (grant number IGA_FF_2017_025).


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Administered methods were: - ŠIP (a Czech self-report instrument for evaluation of the effect of psychotherapy; the original scale produces only a total score, but for purposes of this research, we divided the reported symptoms into somatic and psychological domain as well; the higher the value, the higher the symptoms intensity) - BSI (a shortened version of the SCL 90-R questionnaire used to detect the presence of psychopathological symptoms in mupltiple domains; Global Severity Index can be regarded a total score; the higher the value, the higher the symptom intensity) - CORE-OM (a 34-item self-report instrument developed for monitoring changes in clients during therapy within 4 domains: Well-being, Symptoms, Function and Risk ; we did not investigate the Risk domain, but we devised additional CORE-OM total score; the higher the value, the higher the severity of reported problems) - ORS (an instrument to evaluate the effect of therapy with regards to satisfaction in four domains: Personal, In relationships, In society and Overall; the higher the value, the higher the reported satisfaction) - HBS (a 12-point bipolar state inventory measuring several domains; this scale was not used in our research, as we did not obtain the data from a relevant control group and the method was not satisfyingly converted to Czech language; the higher the value, the worse the state) - SRS (an ultra-brief visual analogue alliance measure with scales: Relational bond between the therapist and client, Agreement on the goals of therapy, Agreement on the tasks of therapy and Overall session rating; the higher the value, the higher the reported satisfaction) - WAI (a measure of alliance in therapy utilizing a 5-point Likert scale covering three dimensions: Goal, Task and Bond; the higher the value, the higher the reported satisfaction) We also asked the participants to state how bothered they felt by the symptoms on a scale from 0 (no bother at all) to 10 (it bothers me maximally) - see variable "symptoms bother".


Univerzita Palackeho v Olomouci Katedra psychologie


Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy and Psychiatry
