Raw "origscale" and processed untargeted metabolomics data from 7 different mouse tissues and serum after an acute exercise bout performed at different times of the day, including temporal profiling and blood sampling across liver and hindlimb muscles.
Untargeted metabolomics data from mouse skeletal muscle (gastrocnemius), liver, serum, heart, hypothalamus (HT), epididymal white adipose tissue (eWAT), inguinal WAT (iWAT), and brown adipose tissue (BAT). 24h_LiverMuscle: Untargeted metabolite profiling of liver and skeletal muscle collected 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20h after 1hr of exercise or sham-exercise performed during the early rest (ZT3, ) or active phase (ZT15). AV_LiverMuscle: Untargeted metabolite profiling of liver, skeletal muscle (gastrocnemius), and serum sampled across liver and hindlimb muscles immediately after 1hr of exercise or sham-exercise performed during the early rest (ZT3, ) or active phase (ZT15). TissueProfiling: Untargeted metabolite profiling of serum, heart, hypothalamus (HT), white adipose tissue (both epididymal/eWAT and inguinal/iWAT), and brown adipose tissue (BAT) collected immediately after 1hr of exercise or sham-exercise performed during the early rest (ZT3) or active phase (ZT15).