Code and Data for "Share Repurchases Under Economic Policy Uncertainty: Evidence from China"

Published: 23 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/6xhdszzpmv.1
Chenghao Huang,


This dataset allows you to replicate all the processes in the article "Share Repurchases Under Economic Policy Uncertainty: Evidence from China." Please download the attached zip file, which contains the code and data used to reproduce this article (including main data, program-level data, and monthly-level data). The code provides detailed documentation on the source of each table. Please note that different tables may require opening different datasets. If you have any questions, feel free to contact


Steps to reproduce

Please download the attached zip file, which contains the code and data used to reproduce this article (including main data, program-level data, and monthly-level data). The code provides detailed documentation on the source of each table. Please note that different tables may require opening different datasets.


Nanchang University


Economic Policy Uncertainty
