DATASET S3: Data used for the differential expression analyses in the article: Transcriptomic profile of the cockle Cerastoderma edule exposed to Diarrhetic Shellfish Toxins seasonal contamination. Domínguez-Pérez, D. et al., 2021.
Description 47,496 ORFs encoded by 33,665 genes in .box format exported by the OmicsBox v1.4.11, formerly used to retrieve all the related isoforms for differential expression analyses. relative_counts_per_category_[counts_isoforms].pdf: Relative counts per isoform/transcript obtained for isoform/gene-level quantification. and The resulting count tables in .box format exported by OmicsBox v1.4.11, corresponding to the expression estimated at gene-level and isoform-level, respectively. omicsbox_count_table_genes.txt and omicsbox_count_table_isoforms.txt: The resulting count tables in .text format exported by OmicsBox v1.4.11, corresponding to the expression estimated at gene-level and isoform-level, respectively. and Results of the differential expression analyses in .box format exported by OmicsBox v1.4.11, corresponding to the pairwise comparison between exposed samples to DSTs and control obtained from the digestive gland ( and gills (ce_ge_vs_ce_gc) of the cockle C. edule. pairwise_differential_expression_wr_ce_dge_vs_ce_dgc.pdf: Summary file of the differential expression analyses from the digestive gland of the cockle C. edule. The pairwise comparison was performed between samples exposed to DSTs and control (without DSTs), using NOISeq v2.30.0, with 5 technical replicates simulated per sample and p-value 0.01. pairwise_differential_expression_wr_ce_ge_vs_ce_gc.pdf: Summary file of the differential expression analyses from the gills of the cockle C. edule. The pairwise comparison was performed between samples exposed to DSTs and control (without DSTs), using NOISeq v2.30.0, with 5 technical replicates simulated per sample and p-value 0.01. normalized_counts_ce_dge_vs_ce_dgc.txt: Normalized counts obtained from the differential expression analyses from the digestive gland of the cockle C. edule. The pairwise comparison was performed between samples exposed to DSTs and control (without DSTs), using NOISeq v2.30.0, with 5 technical replicates simulated per sample and p-value 0.01. normalized_counts_ce_ge_vs_ce_gc.txt: Normalized counts obtained from the differential expression analyses from the gills of the cockle C. edule. The pairwise comparison was performed between samples exposed to DSTs and control (without DSTs), using NOISeq v2.30.0, with 5 technical replicates simulated per sample and p-value 0.01.