Dataset for Validation Of Self-developed Authentic-based Competency Assessment Instrument for Secondary School Vocational Subject: Malaysian Context
These data sets are aimed to full fill required publication criteria in Data In Brief. First dataset is a list of self-made authentic-based competency assessment rubric that was developed especially for the use for Multimedia Production subject in secondary school. Second dataset is content evaluation data by six evaluation panels that was recorded by Google Form. The rubric was evaluated for its content validity through an online form (Google Form). The third is the dataset of analysis on content validity using Content Validity Ratio (CVR) and Content Validity Index (CVI) based on Lawshe Method (1975). The dataset is important for teachers, assessors and policy makers for designing an effective authentic-assessment rubric for evaluating students’ competency in vocational education especially in secondary school. The datasets give initial insights into designing and developing a rubric to cater the needs of the current assessment method especially in secondary school’s vocational education. Furthermore, it can be tested with adjustments in criteria in other subjects or other language, even in multi-cultural country to gain more depth and understandings on the rubric.
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