The impact of upscaling push-pull cultivation for individual farmers, communities, and landscapes in the Mara region

Published: 4 September 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/6zzw6rm943.1


Data collected from Butiama, Bunda, Tarime, and Rorya districts on push-pull maize farming.


Steps to reproduce

The study used multi-stage sampling technique to select the required areas of observation. Firstly, the study purposively selected Mara region as it is the region with push-pull technology and the three main agroecological zones, which provide characteristics of many agricultural regions in the country. Secondly, the study then selected four districts purposively, namely, Butiama, Bunda, Rorya and Tarime owing to large agricultural potential and being district where the technology is used. Lastly, the study used systematic random sampling to select the villages, generate the list of agripreneurs for non-users, and a snowball sampling technique for users of push-pull technology. The study obtained a total sample size of 275 using Yamane (1967) formula (Equation 1) The data were obtained directly from the field. The questionnaire was developed to collect all quantitative data required to answer the performance of maize agripreneurs (entrepreneural farmers) based on the production technology applied. A semi-structured questionnaire programmed in Open Data Kit (ODK) was administered to selected agripreneurs to gather information on socio-economic characteristics, market channels, production costs, production technology and incomes. The questionnaire was tested for validity and credibility prior to data collection. Then, all required permits were obtained and authorities in the study area were informed to make arrangements for easy logistics. The qualified enumerators were obtained and trained for three days prior to data collection, one day was used as a pre-test to test and perfect the tool. Finally, data collection activity started.


Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization, International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology


Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Development, Agribusiness


Horizon 2020

