Data for: Soft Body Armor Time-Dependent Back Face Deformation (BFD) with Ballistics Gel Backing
This dataset contains the data for the paper "Soft Body Armor Time-Dependent Back Face Deformation (BFD) with Ballistics Gel Backing". In this work ballistics gelatin-backed, multi-layer, Kevlar fabric samples were impacted using a gas gun. The purpose of this dataset is to provide validation data for ballistic fabric impacts with a backing material, in this case 10% (FBI standard) and 20% (NATO Standard) ballistics gelatin. Per the terms of the license, this data is available for your use, provided you use proper citations. The dataset includes raw high-speed video of the back face deformations during impact from side and angled-back views, as well as processed depth-time data. All high-speed video was recorded at 100,000 frames/sec (10 microseconds between frames), and given at a playback rate of 25 frames/sec (4000 times slower than real time). In the raw videos, there are approximately 10 frames before projectile impact. Depth was calculated using an image processing algorithm in MATLAB, see paper for more details. Because the impact typically occurs between frames, the exact impact time is estimated by extrapolating back to zero depth and adjusting the time vector accordingly (the first data point in the depth data is the estimated time of zero depth). Data is given for the 68 tests conducted at North Carolina State University for this work. An spreadsheet with an overview of the test parameters and key metrics is given in "Overview.csv", and the calibration values needed for processing data from the raw video are given in "Calibrations.csv". The video and depth file prefixes match the values in the "Shot ID" column of the the "Overview.csv" spreadsheet.