Correlation between postural biomechanical changes and musculoskeletal disorders among security guards: A cross-sectional study
Published: 16 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/72byg9b69w.1
Anamika Kundu, Description
This is a cross-sectional study done to investigate the relationship between changes in the postural variables in different planes and musculoskeletal disorders among security guards. Participants between 30-50 years was recruited after fulfilling the selection criteria. Posture was analyzed using photogrammetric method in sagittal & coronal plane and further analysis was done using posture analysis app (APECS). And for analysis of musculoskeletal disorders, Nordic musculoskeletal questionnaire was used and pain level was measured using Numeric pain rating scale (NPRS).
Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Posture, Musculoskeletal Disorder, Photogrammetry