Mapping the Adoption Behaviour of Video-Conferencing Technology in Hybrid Mode Work Culture: A Mixed Method Approach
Mapping the Adoption Behaviour of Video-Conferencing Technology in Hybrid Mode Work Culture. A convenience sampling technique was adopted to collect data from the respondents, which is a non-probabilistic sampling technique still used in many quantitative studies. This study chose convenience sampling to reach the target respondents, and VC users, both working professionals and students in the context of hybrid mode working culture, are the unit of analysis of this study. We chose respondents from our 200 contacts on social media and 200 questionnaires were mailed to the respondents. 142 responses were captured, 115 usable questionnaires (with 57% of correct responses) were selected for the data analysis, and the rest of the questionnaire were rejected due to missing responses. The questionnaire was developed in the Google survey platform, and each item was measured (independent and dependent variables) on a 5-point Likert scale (With a range of 1 strongly agree to 5- strongly disagree).
Steps to reproduce
A convenience sampling technique was adopted to collect data from the respondents, which is a non-probabilistic sampling technique still used in many quantitative studies. This study chose convenience sampling to reach the target respondents, and VC users, both working professionals and students in the context of hybrid mode working culture, are the unit of analysis of this study. We chose respondents from our 200 contacts on social media and 200 questionnaires were mailed to the respondents. 142 responses were captured, 115 usable questionnaires (with 57% of correct responses) were selected for the data analysis, and the rest of the questionnaire were rejected due to missing responses. The questionnaire was developed in the Google survey platform, and each item was measured (independent and dependent variables) on a 5-point Likert scale (With a range of 1 strongly agree to 5- strongly disagree).