Deep tectonics in the Eastern Hellenides uncovered (part 1): The record of Variscan continental amalgamation, Permo-Triassic rifting, and Early Alpine collision in Pre-Variscan continental crust in the W-Rhodope (Vertiscos-Ograzden Complex, N-Greece)
Supplementary material to manuscript submitted to 'Tectonics' including the description of additional key samples as well as microfabric data. Methods The samples are studied with optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and microprobe analyses. Analyses were performed by E.M using a JEOL JSM G310 SEM equipped with a LINK ISIS energy-dispersive system and a MICROSPEC wave length dispersive system (for Na) at the Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Graz, and a JEOL 6380 LV SEM equipped with an energy-dispersive system (EDS) INCAx-Sight 7388 at the School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens. Analytical conditions were 15 kV acceleration voltage and 5-nA probe current. Representative mineral analyses as well as compositions used for geothermobarometry are given in S.Tables 1-5. Sillimanite and kyanite inclusions in garnets from metapelites are idenified by using Raman spectroscopy at the School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens.