data of manuscript systematic review
Tables with data from reviewed publications, and dimensions of the studies
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The systematic review study was developed using the PRISMA 2020 Statement methodology, adhering to the PRISMA-P Protocol (Moher et al, 2015). The question guiding the review was What are the dimensions of parental support in the post-disclosure period of child sexual abuse from research over the past 12 years? The aim is to analyse the evidence available in the literature on parental support from non-offending figures. The sources of information were the mainstream databases Web of Science and Scopus. The search period was between 1 March and 15 June 2022. The search procedure consisted of digitally exploring empirical or review articles published between 2010 and 2022. Subsequently, a review of related articles in the same databases was carried out. The following steps were performed: identification, screening, eligibility and inclusion. Inclusion criteria were as follows: (a) Empirical studies or reviews on parental support for child sexual abuse; (b) written in English (c) with qualitative or quantitative methodology; (d) published between 2011 and 2022. Exclusion criteria were: publications in languages other than English; publications outside the period; case studies, theoretical papers, book chapters; titles focusing on non-sexual forms of child maltreatment; studies on intervention with non-offending parental figures or families. These criteria were first evaluated on the titles of the publications, discarding for duplication, type of document, date or language of publication. Subsequently, in the screening, titles and abstracts were checked again, excluding those that did not fulfil the criteria. Finally, full-text articles were assessed and decisions were made about their eligibility and inclusion. The reasons for exclusions were detailed at each stage (Page et al., 2021). The process was represented in the PRISMA Diagram Study Identification and Selection