NK cell promoters and enhancers
Published: 27 August 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/73gzx4x5kf.1
Djem KissiovDescription
These data correspond to Data S1 in the manuscript "Binary outcomes of enhancer activity underlie stable random monoallelic expression." This dataset is comprised of an .xlsx file containing a list of called NK cell promoters (first tab), NK cell enhancers (second tab), 51,650 ATAC-seq peaks (1kb windows centered at ATAC-seq peak midpoints over which the H3K4me1:H3K4me3 ratio was calculated) in NK cells (third tab), and labeled promoters and enhancers investigated in this study (fourth tab). The methods utilized in generating this dataset are described in the methods section of the associated manuscript.
University of California Berkeley