Intertidal data
DEM: Digital Elevation Models (tiff files) from in-situ data and modeled data through two methods (Hybrid - HYB and Traditional Waterline Method - WL). AOI 1, AOI 2 and AOI 3 in-situ data: Laser Scanner, 20cm uncertainty, 10m resolution (Acquisition: 04 to 07, May 20203). AOI 4 and AOI 5 in-situ data: drone and RTK, 20cm uncertainty, 10m resolution. (Acquisition: 30 October 2023). AOI 6 in-situ data: LiDAR, 1m resolution, 20cm uncertainty(Acquisition: October 2019 to October 2022), fully available by New Zealand government database in WATERLINES: dataset of waterlines (HYB) or points along waterlines (WL) with corresponding water level information (Shapefiles). The elevation values are referenced to the local vertical datum specific to each AOI (DHN for Brazil and Moturiki for New Zealand). AOI 1, AOI 2 and AOI 3 modeled data: March to August 2023; AOI 4 and AOI 5 modeled data: July to October 2023. AOI 6 modeled data: January to May 2019. AREA: Area of intertidal zone for six AOIs as Shapefiles, where AOI 1 id the flood tide delta, AOI 2 is the upper estuary, and AOI 3 is the flood tide delta on Linguado Channel both from Babitonga Bay (southern Brazil). AOI 4 is a beach located at Vale company on Ponta da Madeira and AOI 5 is the Amor beach, both on São Luís, northeast Brazil. Finally, AOI 6 is Tauranga Bay, on New Zealand.
Steps to reproduce
In-situ data: LiDAR, RTK and Terrestrial Laser Scanner. Modeled data: Waterline Method
National Council for Scientific and Technological Development
National Council for Scientific and Technological Development
National Council for Scientific and Technological Development
Coordenação de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
PROEX 88887.674341/2022-00