Data for: "Advancing simulations of water fluxes, soil moisture and drought stress by using the LWF-Brook90 hydrological model in R"

Published: 29 May 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/73t52vhpdd.1
Paul Schmidt-Walter,


This supplementary material contains daily observations of soil water storage (2011-2012), meteorological data (1980-2013), and soil data from a poplar short rotation coppice located in Kaufering, Germany (folder "Input"). The data were used to conduct sensitivity analysis and Bayesian model calibration of the SVAT model LWF-Brook90 implemented in the LWFBrook90R R-package. The results of these simulations and calibrations are also included, so that the examples from the Appendix C and D of the manuscript can be reproduced without running the long computations.



Ecological Modeling Calibration, Evapotranspiration Modeling, Soil Water Balance, Short Rotation Coppice
