High Frequency Ultrasound to increase bioactives in Strawberries, Blackberries and Raspberries
Published: 8 July 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/745vyh6gxs.1
Jonathan Wilkin, , Matthew Hooper, Description
We used two different types of ultrasound devices (at industrial scale) with Water as a solvent, categories were Crop Year, Ultrasound Frequency and Fruit type (Strawberry, Blackberry or Raspberry) and how these are affected by the yield from spray drying, the gallic acid equivalence (TPC) and DPPH essay (Radical Scavenging %).
University of Abertay Dundee, Glasgow Caledonian University, University of Dundee
Food Science, Agricultural Waste, Ultrasound Extraction, Food Industry, Berry Fruit