Steady State 2D Regularized Lid-Driven Cavity Low-resolution Spatiotemporal Snapshots - Part 3 of 3

Published: 12 August 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/74g8rjfkvt.1
Michael Lee


This data was generated using the pseudo-spectral DNS method outlined in Lee, Dowell, and Balajewicz CNSNS (2017). Filenames denote Reynolds number. Each file contains a velocity snapshot matrix where each column is sampled at a different timestep. Original simulations had a factor of 100 higher temporal resolution than do these matrices; the snapshots provided here were spaced 0.1 nondimensional time units apart. Each column comprises both horizontal and vertical velocity data with the former stacked atop the latter. A provided convertCavitySnapshot.m function converts a single cavity snapshot into non-stacked organization. cheb.m builds the x-vector (y is identical) and differentiation matrix D where dx(square_snapshot) = matmul(-square_snapshot,D.transpose) and dy(square_snapshot) = matmul(D,square_snapshot). plotSnapshot.m likewise plots a snapshot for user viewing. All data in this repository is discretized as 130 points in both the x and the y directions, viz. the 'res' variable passed to convertCavitySnapshot.m would be 130.



Duke University


Fluid Dynamics
