Data for: A long-term, high-latitude record of Eocene hydrological change in the Greenland region

Published: 18 October 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/754m8ysnxh.1
Gordon Inglis, Daniel Lunt, Matthew Carmichael, Alexander Farnsworth, Richard Pancost


The following supplementary information includes additional figures (Figure S1-S3) and datasets. Dataset S1, which is uploaded separately, contains 8 tables: Table 1: Temperature and precipitation data obtained via HadCM3L Table 2: Plant-derived n-alkane distributions at ODP Site 913 during Eocene Table 3: Plant-derived di- and triterpenoids at ODP Site 913 during the Eocene Table 4: Hopanoid thermal maturity parameters at ODP Site 913 during the Eocene Table 5: GDGT distributions and temperature estimates at ODP Site 913 during the Eocene Table 6: Hydrogen isotopic composition of leaf wax biomarkers at ODP Site 913 during the Eocene Table 7: Apparent fractionations between leaf wax and source water compared between major taxanomic categories in modern plants Table 8: Estimates of modern-day precipitation δ2Hprecip for locations on the Greenland coast. Estimates are derived from the Online Isotopes in Precipitation Calculator (Bowen, 2016)



