Codes for the Article “The effect of the Covid pension withdrawals and the Universal Guaranteed Pension on the income of the future retirees and its fiscal costs”
Published: 27 February 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/75cwx9w4js.1
Carlos MadeiraDescription
This file has all the software codes needed to replicate the empirical analysis in Madeira, C. (2024) "The effect of the Covid pension withdrawals and the Universal Guaranteed Pension on the income of the future retirees and its fiscal costs", Latin American Journal of Central Banking, 2024, 100122.
Steps to reproduce
Open the Readme word file and see a brief description of each code. The master code "" replicates all the analysis from beginning to end.
Effect of Fiscal Policy on Economic Agent, Fiscal Policy, Private Pension, Effect of Fiscal Policy on Household, Government Expenditure on Public Pension, Joint Analysis of Fiscal Policy