full data
This dataset is the data for "Yolcu Karadam, D. and Öcal, N. (2014). Financial Integration and Growth: A Nonlinear Panel Data Analysis, ERC Working Paper, No. 14/15. Variable definitions and sources are as follows: VARIABLE DEFINITION SOURCE GROWTH Growth rate of PPP real GDP per capita (%) Penn World Tables version 7.1 (PWT) FI Financial integration to GDP (%) Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2007) (updated version) INITIAL Logarithm of real per capita GDP lagged one period PWT POPGROWTH Annual growth rate of population (%) World Development Indicators (WDI) TRADE Exports plus imports to GDP (%) PWT GOV Government consumption as a share of GDP (%) PWT INV Investment to GDP (%) PWT CREDIT Domestic credit to private sector to GDP (%) WDI LIQ Liquid liabilities to GDP (%) Beck et al (2009) INSQUALITY Simple average of six indicators of World Bank Governance Indicators (WBGI) (data available from 1996) WBGI INFVOL3 Standard deviation of CPI inflation IFS GOVBALGDP Government fiscal balance (expenditure minus revenue) to GDP (%) World Economic Outlook (WEO)