Ouagadougou LST-R by greening

Published: 19 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/75nvstkb3m.1
Maurizio Tiepolo,


This dataset contains four tables of information on the municipality of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. The average daytime and nighttime land surface temperatures (LST) as captured by ECOSTRESS in the 55 sectors during the heat peak of April-May 2023, 3 classes of land cover, and 8 classes of land use are gathered in Table A1. The area (ha) planted along roads over 18 m wide, along the edges of utilities, and in vacant lands beyond the built-up area in 2023 is estimated in Table B1. The area to be planted according to three scenarios is presented in Table B2. The area to be planted per capita and district according to 3 scenarios is in Table B3.


Steps to reproduce

Data were collected from two ECOSTRESS images from April to May 2023. Landcover data were extracted by supervised classification of PlanetScope images on April 25, 2023. The land-use data were visually photo-interpreted from very high-resolution images of April 2023 freely available on Google Earth Pro, supplemented by the list of public schools and educational establishments recognized by the Ministry of National Education 2023 and the Ouagadougou Municipality, Référentiel hierarchie des voiries ouagalaises, Agence municipale des grands travaux 2023.


Politecnico di Torino


Geomatics, City Planning
